Thursday, January 24, 2019

Reading Journal Day 1/The Color Purple


Letters 1-8 (pages 1-11)
As the book began, I was very shocked at how graphic the things that occurred were. Typically, it is not normal for a father to be sexually attracted to his children. So, seeing how Fonso was sexually and physically abusing Celie and considering his younger daughter Nettie, I was confused. It was also appalling how he spoke of his children and current significant other. It was demeaning and almost as if he saw no value in them. What  I took from what I’ve read so far is that despite how much the characters in this book lack knowledge of the physical, medical, and educational necessities of life, I feel a sense of hope for the girls. I believe their pain and misery won’t last forever.

Day 1

My day was normal, just like any other week day, but I did learn that people in contemporary society are well aware of issues, political and social, more than they are given credit for. Children seem to be educated on current news and issues just as adolescents or adults are. When I got home from school, I  realized how easy it is for me to fall into a particular schedule. With that in mind, I can make self improvements in my work ethic for school, in my eating habits, and my sleep schedule. There is fortunately more time to make those improvements and I am grateful.


  1. I understand what you mean! We have time to fine-tune ourselves to be the best person we can be while staying true to ourselves. It is better to start now than never!

  2. It's always nice to have a bit a realization in things that seem so mundane to us, as it seems it has for you, it's opened up other parts of your thought process. I'm happy to see you working towards improving yourself for yourself!
