Sunday, February 10, 2019

Reading Journal Day 10/ The Color Purple


Letter 56 (pages 134-137)

This chapter stood out to me primarily because of how Nettie was self aware. Nettie became more educated as she traveled and became more exposed to a life she never knew existed. Nettie knew the importance of priorities and though, not explicitly stated, she did, in fact, remain true to herself. Despite everything she saw, all the people, she met, and how all of those things made her feel, she remained humble first. When she did things she did them in order of importance and that was common of her people in that time. In contemporary society, prioritizing is seen much differently. She also said how ignorant she was once she began to learn all that she knew nothing about, and that is weird because Nettie was considered very intelligent among many, but the world is made up of hierarchy that is constantly changing. This chapter was amazing because there were many valuable life lessons that were not focused on very much but were extremely significant.

Day 10:

My weekend was peaceful. I spent my weekend at home for the first time in a while. Typically, I’m at a friends house or out contributing to my community because I’m involved in so many extra curricular programs that focus on making contributions. Reading this weekend has changed my perspective on the knowledge I have and makes me feel that all the times i begin to feel like school is overrated, I realize how important it is to broaden your knowledge at any expense. I have taken time this weekend to care for myself and pay extra attention to my needs. I always learn something and I enjoy learning and it’s a large part of who I am. This weekend was different.

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