Friday, February 8, 2019

Reading Journal Day 9/ The Color Purple


So far In the novel, all the characters are growing and developing. It had been revealed that Nettie is in fact living and has been writing Celie for some time and Celie is just now finding out. Why? It is humbling to have had the opportunity of reading this book right now because it serves as a source for important life lessons that I don’t have to learn first hand. What will Celie’s Reaction be to reading these letters? We’re they kept from her all this time?

Day 9:

My day was productive and exhausting. I have been working efficiently and I am still on this new schedule, sleeping and waking up on time and just being punctual. It is very rewarding to see how being on time really makes me feel better. I have straight A’s and one B right now and graduation is creeping up on me. I’m excited to go out in to the real world and be someone of importance, but that does take time and patience, which I have to teach myself.

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