Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Haunting of Hill House Review

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson is a Gothic Fiction novel about 4 people, Eleanor Vance, Theodora, Luke and Dr. John Montague, who uncover the Hauntings of Hill House, a large mansion. Throughout the novel, the characters experience fear of the unknown. The main character Eleanor is found dealing with her past childhood traumas. Several times in the novel, Eleanor is known for mentioning her mother in lots of her conversation, which was someone Eleanor had unspoken tragic memories with. Eleanor’s stay at Hill House was a life lesson for myself. I loved every single piece of the novel. The Haunting of Hill House was terrifying and after reading a chapter I found myself double checking my surroundings and almost putting myself in the protagonist’s shoes. I began to see all of the tragedies of my past and present as something that should be faced and addressed, not ran away from. For example, how Eleanor reacted with pure fear when she first saw the library or the tower for that matter. I felt a connection with the novel at that point and that was the deciding factor for this novel to become one of my favorites. I did happen to dislike the relationship between Dr. Montague and the other characters. Dr. Montague seemed a little too impersonal and he seemed as if he knew information that he said he did not know, taking away from his overall character. For example, every time Eleanor or Theodora entered a room he was always one step ahead of everyone. Although, he was supposed to be the leader, he didn’t seem very genuine. I recommend this novel to a junior or senior in High School. The Haunting of Hill House was a great novel, though the message is something that younger audiences may not be able to fully grasp or understand. Overall, The Haunting Of Hill House was an amazing thriller!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Reading Journal Day 12/Today’s Lesson


Today’s Lesson

Today I learned the difference between commentary and analysis within an essay. Analysis within and essay is breaking down the underlying meaning of a word, phrase  or sentence in a literary work. Commentary in an essay is basically one’s feelings toward on a topic and elaborated on simply as if they were having a conversation with the reader through the paper. In an essay, confusing analysis and commentary can confuse the reader making it difficult for them to understand how the writer is trying to convey the meaning of the work as a whole.

Day 12:

Today was amazing. I had a productive day at school. Once I got home I dedicated my evening to planning for which College I finally decide to go to. I ate almost too many snacks and listened to my favorite music. I am starting to enjoy my senior year of high school and I’m very excited to make many more memories

Monday, February 11, 2019

Reading Journal Day 11/ The Color Purple


Letter 68 (page 178)
This letter was short, yet monumental in the novel because of the deep meaning behind the brief dialogue. Shug told Celie that she was coming to Tennessee with her and basically leaving everything she had behind. This letter was monumental because Celie was finally starting to understand things that she never understood in her lifetime so far. Though, this major change in Celie’s life was very important to her growth in to the end of the novel. It makes me appreciate everything I have and understand the purpose of change and how it can be beneficial.

Day 11:

My day today was boring. It was not very productive, but fortunately I have remained faithful to my daily schedule balancing school and sleep. I have been preparing for my audition for the school of music at Azusa Pacific University and it has been time consuming, but it is all worth it! Success takes patience and dedication, and that is a big part of my life. Today I learned that I need to be more confident in everything I do. I am intelligent and talented, but I have to be confident when I take part in certain programs or activities.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Reading Journal Day 10/ The Color Purple


Letter 56 (pages 134-137)

This chapter stood out to me primarily because of how Nettie was self aware. Nettie became more educated as she traveled and became more exposed to a life she never knew existed. Nettie knew the importance of priorities and though, not explicitly stated, she did, in fact, remain true to herself. Despite everything she saw, all the people, she met, and how all of those things made her feel, she remained humble first. When she did things she did them in order of importance and that was common of her people in that time. In contemporary society, prioritizing is seen much differently. She also said how ignorant she was once she began to learn all that she knew nothing about, and that is weird because Nettie was considered very intelligent among many, but the world is made up of hierarchy that is constantly changing. This chapter was amazing because there were many valuable life lessons that were not focused on very much but were extremely significant.

Day 10:

My weekend was peaceful. I spent my weekend at home for the first time in a while. Typically, I’m at a friends house or out contributing to my community because I’m involved in so many extra curricular programs that focus on making contributions. Reading this weekend has changed my perspective on the knowledge I have and makes me feel that all the times i begin to feel like school is overrated, I realize how important it is to broaden your knowledge at any expense. I have taken time this weekend to care for myself and pay extra attention to my needs. I always learn something and I enjoy learning and it’s a large part of who I am. This weekend was different.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Reading Journal Day 9/ The Color Purple


So far In the novel, all the characters are growing and developing. It had been revealed that Nettie is in fact living and has been writing Celie for some time and Celie is just now finding out. Why? It is humbling to have had the opportunity of reading this book right now because it serves as a source for important life lessons that I don’t have to learn first hand. What will Celie’s Reaction be to reading these letters? We’re they kept from her all this time?

Day 9:

My day was productive and exhausting. I have been working efficiently and I am still on this new schedule, sleeping and waking up on time and just being punctual. It is very rewarding to see how being on time really makes me feel better. I have straight A’s and one B right now and graduation is creeping up on me. I’m excited to go out in to the real world and be someone of importance, but that does take time and patience, which I have to teach myself.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Reading Journal Day 8/ The Color Purple


Letter 43 (pages 102-103)
This letter, amongst the others, was special in its own way. Celie and Sofia have gotten much closer and the last thing Celie mentioned, was that she hadn’t heard Sofia giggle the way that she did, in three years. It seems that life can be overwhelming and it can get a hold of us all at some time, and we as a people can forget to enjoy the little things when everything in life seems so difficult. This time in particular it was someone noticing someone else’s moment of happiness, but either way having that brought to attention is very important. Without having joy even for short periods of time, we can lose a sense of who we are and it’s beautiful that the author was able to capture that in the most simple yet effective way.

Day 8:

My day today was okay, but very tiring. So, now that I am on a particular schedule that I’ve fell in to, I’ve been doing things around the same time every day. This makes me happy because I have been getting so many things done every single day all in the same time frame. I feel much more organized and productive than I have at any point in my life since I started high school. Fortunately, I know when to rest but that can be a little difficult when trying to accomplish so much in one day. So, today I was a very sleepy but productive. My day was okay.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Reading Journal Day 7/ The Color Purple


So far in the novel, Shug Avery and Celie are becoming much closer and it seems almost as if Celie is in love with Shug. Celie feels like Shug is a queen and treats her as such and in return for wonderful care taking, Shug educates Celie on the same things Sofia and Nettie tried to tell her about, but because it comes from someone Celie is infatuated with, it’s valued a little more and taken into consideration. Shug also helps Celie to explore herself and be more in touch with her body and that it’s normal. Celie is developing as a character and it’s amazing. Her writings to god are starting to become more complex and it helps with understanding the novel as a whole. Now while Celie is developing, more issues arise and Sofia is faced with the reality of racism and white Supremacy. When Sofia was beaten and arrested, she said that she functions in jail by trying to be like Celie. Which is weak minded and submissive to the requirements of the white man. The book is getting better page by page and the value of history is expressed clearly in her writing.

Day 7:

My day today was good, in most ways similar to other good days. I am happy because I am falling into a particular schedule and I’m staying in sync with my energy. I woke up feeling great and I did everything in good time and I accomplished a lot. My day was productive

Friday, February 1, 2019

Reading Journal Day 6/ The Color Purple


This is a letter to god from Nettie’s perspective

Day 6

Today, was very nice. I woke up early for school this morning and i made it to school early. Not only was I punctual, but I was in an overall great mood. I’ve learned that I accomplish more and focus better when I’m in a good mood and I believe that stems from the desire of me simply wanting to improve. My day was wonderful and I spent another Friday afternoon with my best friends and we got the chance to go sightseeing in the neighborhood and it was nice. I developed a connection with the earth over the course of a few years and I appreciate the beauty of nature, that is why I was most excited to walk around and embrace the world around us. My love for nature has made me appreciate the little things in life and it’s very important to how I function on a daily basis. Overall, today was amazing.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Reading Journal Day 5/ The Color Purple/ Literary 3x3


Letters 23-27 (pages 42-58)
In these letters Mr.___’s real name was revealed, his name is Albert. I don’t believe his name fits his character. That name in my head is associated with weakness. It’s ironic because he was very strong minded and his name was not relevant to Celie because his placement in her life was not valued. So, when his name was introduced, it’s states that his role in her life is now significant for some reason.       I’m very excited about this change because now that Albert is becoming emotionally vulnerable it may give Celie a chance to feel equal to her prior superiority.

Day 5
Today, we took our class panoramic photo and I changed my hairstyle twice after I woke up this morning so that it would be perfect. Then I realized how I didn’t have to make myself look different for the picture, I just had to make sure I capture what’s my normal so that I can look back and remember what was normal for me when I was in high school. I am also starting to think that senioritis is really getting to me because I don’t have the same interest for high school as I did before and as each day progresses I feel more and more uninterested in school but excited for what I can learn. It’s very confusing that I have a drive to learn but I don’t like coming to school everyday.

Literary 3x3

• Awareness encourages growth
• Control yields fear
• Love highlights conpassion

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reading Journal Day 4/ The Color Purple


Letters 15-16 (pages 27-28)
At this point in the novel, Mr.___ is not in a very good place and he treats Celie with the upmost disrespect. Shug Avery is said to be in town and because of this, Mr. ___ goes out of his way to impress her with his appearance and has Celie catering to his every tedious need in the process. To see a man trying to impress a woman other than his wife and and disrespecting his wife in the preocess of doing so, it’s very confusing. Mr.___ had the mentality that women are an accessory to men and that they are meant to do all the work in the relationship. They seem to have a master to servant relationship and they lack the necessary emotional connection that a married couple is supposed to have. It’s upsetting because it makes me think that if I went through this in a marriage, I would have to end it. Eventually, Harpo develops the same mentality as his father, but he is treated like Celie when it comes to physical work and mental control. By the end of the sixteenth letter, it is possible that the mental and physical abuse symbolize control by Men in society during that time period. It is also possible that if Celie had more knowledge of the world outside of her immediate relationships, she would have the strength to know how and when to stand up for herself. I’m heartbroken at how the story is unraveling, because i keep forming these theoretical scenarios of what could have been instead of what truly is.

Day 4

Today, I was able to focus more on college and I have the foundation of a plan as to what I am going to do about college. I learned a lot about the people surround myself with and how their energy can indirectly influence me. The Color Purple has also taught me that it is important to have mental strength and an education. Overall my day was productive and I hope to continue to learn more each day.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Reading Journal Day 3


Day 3

This weekend was as eventful as always, but I always learn something. Whether it be something in regards to academic knowledge or knowledge in the development of self, it’s all valued. This time I learned that when i fear social interaction, isolating myself is not the best way to solve that. In order for me to deal with the fear of functioning properly in large social groups is to find the little things that are easy to focus on and use those little things as a source of guidance to get through it. That helped me this weekend when I was around family and friends I hadn’t seen in a while and  I found it difficult to adjust. I feel that I have been more productive knowing that I have an outlet to write how things turn out. This weekend overall was productive and eye opening.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Reading Journal Day 2/ The Color Purple


Letter 9
This letter spoke to me because it shines light on the topics that people wouldn’t speak about in that particular time period. In this letter, it is revealed that Celie was given the responsibility of taking care of Mr.___’s four children and she again has the role of the mother and now a wife at still, a very young age. At certain times, Celie described her and Mr.___’s sexual encounters and Celie was extremely disconnected and emotionally withdrawn from the actual encounter in its entirety. Whilst in these moments, Celie thought of her younger sister, Nettie, and what she had to go through without her being there with her father and just her well being in general. It is not very often when a person speaks up about sexual assault and physical abuse. During this time, the characters were not very educated anyway, but especially since it was Celie’s father Inflicting this on her, it left her kind of trapped and it makes me feel like I am trapped too.  I feel like placing myself somewhere in the story and thinking “if I were there, what could I do to help”. It’s definitely unfortunate that women were treated like property, but even after leaving her abuser, It followed Celie, leaving her unable to enjoy any intimate moments with her new found spouse. The story is unraveling, but slowly, and I can not wait for what is to come.

Day 2

Today, I tried a new hairstyle and noticed how walking with your head up makes a big difference in how powerful and confident you look. I walked with my head higher than usual with my signature smile on my face and it felt different. I learned that focusing more on your own habits and tendencies, sort of allows you to fix the things that need to be fixed and to accept and embrace the things that are meant to be. I got home feeling accomplished after spending time with my best friends and realized that today was a day for me to love and appreciate myself.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Reading Journal Day 1/The Color Purple


Letters 1-8 (pages 1-11)
As the book began, I was very shocked at how graphic the things that occurred were. Typically, it is not normal for a father to be sexually attracted to his children. So, seeing how Fonso was sexually and physically abusing Celie and considering his younger daughter Nettie, I was confused. It was also appalling how he spoke of his children and current significant other. It was demeaning and almost as if he saw no value in them. What  I took from what I’ve read so far is that despite how much the characters in this book lack knowledge of the physical, medical, and educational necessities of life, I feel a sense of hope for the girls. I believe their pain and misery won’t last forever.

Day 1

My day was normal, just like any other week day, but I did learn that people in contemporary society are well aware of issues, political and social, more than they are given credit for. Children seem to be educated on current news and issues just as adolescents or adults are. When I got home from school, I  realized how easy it is for me to fall into a particular schedule. With that in mind, I can make self improvements in my work ethic for school, in my eating habits, and my sleep schedule. There is fortunately more time to make those improvements and I am grateful.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Opulence- great wealth or luxuriousness
Attainment- the action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked
Incongruous- Not In harmony
Revelation- a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way
Superstition- excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings
Lament- passionate expression of grief and sorrow 
Obsolete- no longer produced or used; out of date
Premonition- a strong feeling that something is aabout to happen; especially something unpleasant 
Miraculous- occurring through divine or supernatural intervention 
Contentious- causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial; involving a heated argument 

The Addams family lifestyle is incongruous from the outside view, though, truthfully, they are very organized. They live miraculously with a great deal of opulence. Mrs. Addams had a premonition of a contentious situation their family may experience in the near future. Mr. Addams believes that is nothing but superstition. His Wife’s normal happiness becomes obsolete and everything begins to shift from wonderous to horrific. Mrs. Addams begins to show lament because of this change and the Addams family’s previous attainment of unity has no longer withheld important or value. Thus, the revelation of the Addams family and their peace and harmony.